Titanium Maximum Security by Trend Micro, gives you excellence online shelter and private for the whole category. with award-winning safeguard for up to 10 various devices, including Android tablets and smartphones as well as Pcs and laptops. Trend Micro is a market leader in security software with more than 25 years of experience.
Using social media sites like facebook, Google +, and Twitter, you may feel secure about your privacy and security once Titanium Maximum Security is installed.
Key Aspects Include
- Durable parental controls to safeguard kids digitally- The Software lets you restrict or filter website access.
- On safe-keeping for 5 Megs of your pics and some digital documents.
- Convenient and secure password manager.
- The best phishing recognition rates and the quickest defense against new web challenges are provided by Titanium Maximum Security. ( According to Nss Labs 2023 results )
Titanium Maximum Security helps to prevent computer infections by preventing viruses, spyware, worms, and Trojan horses. The software can block harmful web and safeguard you against spyware by identifying scary relationships in sites, social networks, emails and instant messaging.
You can browse the internet without worrying about on-line vulnerabilities thanks to Titanium Maximum Security, which can even find secure and damaging hyperlinks in search engines and detect phishing emails containing hacking schemes that can trick you into divulging private and personal information.
- Title:
- Titanium Maximum Security 7.0.1151 for Windows
- Size of the file:
- 6 63 Kb
- Requirements:
- Windows 8,
- Windows Xp,
- Windows 10,
- Windows 2003,
- , Windows 2000
- Windows 98,
- Windows Vista,
- Panels 7
- Language:
- English
- Around cultures:
- English,
- German,
- Spanish,
- French,
- Italian,
- Japanese,
- Polish,
- Chinese
- License:
- Tribulation remake
- Latest email:
- Thursday, June 19th 2023
- Author:
- Trend Micro Inc