Webhr boasts to be effective from” hire” to” retire” and offers a variety of Hr features. Utilize Webhr benefits to manage employee recruitment, payroll, performance, preparation, and other tasks.
Create in-depth reports that break down and detail the data gathered with the aforementioned functions, then portray it in diagrams or tables.
Features include:
- Management of Leaves
- considerable visibility of the individual
- managing information
- Payroll
- Employees’ Self-service
- products for mobile
Webhr offers a handheld implementation that is portable and usable. For Webhr, details safety and security are of the utmost importance. Machines are backed up nonstop in various geographic locations, encrypting and properly storing content.
To prove Webhr’s’s independent interactive demo and determine whether it is appropriate for your company, click the link above.
- Title:
- Webhr for applications
- Requirements:
- Opera,
- Firefox,
- , Internet Explorer
- Chrome
- Language:
- English
- Dialects that are spoken:
- English,
- German,
- Spanish,
- French,
- Italian,
- Japanese,
- Polish,
- Chinese
- License:
- Free
- most recent email:
- January 1st, 2000, Saturday
- Author:
- . Verge Inc.