TaskUnifier for Windows

You can design, delete, and assemble your assignments using the skill management tool Taskunifier. Your tasks can be categorized using tags, groups, connections, context, goals, or locations.

Depending on your present undertaking or locale, Taskunifier will help you find and arrange your jobs. For a more comprehensive view, you can also break up substantial jobs into smaller ones. With the help of the request, you can sync your tasks with Toodledo, allowing you to manage them whenever and wherever you like.

Critical characteristics include:

  1. Notes: You can save your notes with Taskunifier. Your notes is be organized into folders.
  1. You can establish skill frameworks using Taskunifier. The default undertaking worth are included in a model. With pre-filled in ideals, you can quickly create different tasks thanks to this.
  1. Taskunifier shows a timeline see of your things. This gives you a quick rundown of the day’s’s, weeks ‘, and months’ worth of responsibilities.


Linux and mac users can also use Taskunifier.

Java 1. 6 or higher is required for the system.



Skylights Taskunifier 4.3.4
Shape of a submit:
20.10 Mb.
  1. Windows 8.
  2. Windows Xp,
  3. Windows 10, etc.
  4. Windows 2000,
  5. 2003 Skylights,
  6. Windows 7,
  7. 98 Windows,
  8. Vista Windows
Language that are spoken:
  1. English,
  2. German,
  3. Spanish,
  4. French,
  5. Italian,
  6. Japanese,
  7. Polish,
  8. Chinese
most recent update:
February 18th, 2023, a Wednesday
. Benjamin Leclerc



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