A small but useful tool for maintaining the life of your iphone device is ibettercharge. It monitors your iphone’s’s battery life and will notify you when it runs low.
Any ios phone connected to your Wi-fi circle may be accessed by the application if you have enabled the” Sync this ipad over Wifi” option.
ibettercharge is a portable, smaller device. Just make sure your ipad is connected to your notebook via a Usb wire for easy setup and use. You must make sure your computer and apparatus are both connected to the similar Wi-fi circle once the association has been made. Your iphone’s’s power point will now be permanently tracked and displayed by ibettercharge. The only minor drawback of this software is that, despite the fact that it is an ipad, you will probably definitely have apple installed on your computer in order for ibettercharge to work.
- Title:
- 1.1.5 ibettercharge for Skylights
- Size of the file:
- 3.70 Megabyte.
- Requirements:
- Windows Xp,
- Windows 7,
- Windows 10.
- Windows 2003,
- Windows 2000,
- 98th Skylights,
- Vista, Windows
- Windows 8,
- Language:
- English
- Languages that are available:
- English,
- German,
- Spanish,
- French,
- Italian,
- Japanese,
- Polish,
- Chinese
- License:
- Free
- most recent revision:
- 12th of August 2023 on a Wednesday
- Author:
- Softorino